Host a Screening in a Theater

Ready to host a screening of BLOOD BROTHER? Then you’ve come to the right place!

We’ve partnered with, which is a web-platform that helps individuals, groups and organizations to set up personalized movie screenings in theaters across the country. The process is simple - you pick the time, place and date, and Tugg will reserve the theater and give you a personalized event page for your screening. Here’s the trick though - you need to pre-sell a certain amount of tickets in order for the event to be confirmed!

Please Note: If you are interested in hosting a screening of Blood Brother in a community venue or on campus, please visit our Blood Brother Community Screenings page for more information and pricing.

Once you get your event page, it’s up to you to spread the word to your community and let folks know the event will only take place if enough tickets - the “threshold” - are reserved before a deadline. Once enough tickets are sold, your event will be confirmed and you can sit back and enjoy the show! If there aren’t enough tickets sold, then no one will be charged for the reservation and the screening will be called off.

We’ve created this resource kit to guide you through the process of hosting your screening. Begin with Step One, and follow the step-by-step instructions to maximize your promotional efforts and get the most out of your event! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Tugg team at

Step One: Setup Your Screening On Tugg

1. To get started, you’ll need to fill out an Event Request Form, which you can do here -

2. Getting Started: Setting Up Your Tugg Screening Guide - For an in depth look at how to best set up your event and use your event as a fundraiser, take a look at this guide before filling out your request. Also check out our General Overview document.


Step Two: Spreading the Word!

Once you’ve received your event page, it’s time to spread the word and ensure that enough tickets are reserved before the deadline!

1. An Introduction to Promoting Your Screening - Start by reading this guide, which will walk you through how to best reach out to your friends, family, and organizations via email, social media, and traditional outreach.

2. Tugg Tools - The folks at Tugg have created a number of tools to help you maximize your outreach efforts - read this to learn how to message your attendees and track the success of your outreach.

3. To help you along the way, we’ve created a few templates and guides for your use:

4. As your event’s campaign moves forward, be sure to update attendees and potential attendees with new information about your event and the film using the documents below:


Step Three: My Event is Confirmed! Now What?

1. Read through the Preparing For Your Event Guide, which will arm you with all the information you need for the day of the event.


Step Four: The Day of the Event

1. The big day! Make sure you’ve reviewed everything in the Preparing For Your Event Checklist and follow the steps below to ensure a flawless screening.

2. Take a look at our Sample Event Introduction for ideas on what to include during your introduction prior to the screening. You can also read aloud the Filmmaker’s Introduction Letter.

3. Hand out Sign Up Sheets to collect the contact info of attendees. Email us the list you collected and we’ll take care of the rest.

4. Take a picture of you and your audience holding this “We Love You” sign (or make your own). After the event, email your photo to and we will send it to Rocky and the kids! It will mean the world to them. You can also tag it on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram with #TuggInc or @TuggInc.


Step Five: After the Event

Now that your event is complete, be sure to follow up with your attendees by sending them a message with the Promoter Messaging tool.

1. Once your event is over, be sure to thank your attendees with the Follow Up Message Template. Encourage them to tell their friends about your event, the film, and Rocky’s mission with our Sample Post-Event Tweets.

2. Post a recap of your event on the film’s Facebook and Twitter pages - be sure to tag @bloodbrotherdoc / #bloodbrotherdoc and @TuggInc!
Create Your Event

Create Your Event Host a Screening in
a Community Venue
or on Campus

For more information about hosting a screening of Blood Brother, please email